Hon. David V. Brewer, Oregon Supreme Court
Hon. Rives Kistler, Oregon Supreme Court
Hon. Rick Haselton, Chief Judge, Oregon Court of Appeals
Hon. John Wittmayer, Multnomah County Circuit Court
Hon. Janet Stauffer, Wasco County Circuit Court
Hon. Robert Millikan, Douglas County Circuit Court, Ret.
Jim Arneson
Landa Baily (retired)
Michelle Blackwell
Lori Nightingale-Bender
Kevin Burgess
Craig Capon
Dan W. Clark
Bruce Coalwell
Jim Dole
Jim Forrester
Tony Griffin
Kat Kosstrin
Jeff Krebs
Don Laird
Lee Lashway
Jeff Matthews
Dan McKinney
Jane McMillin
Jason Montgomery
Jeff Mornarich
Steve Mountainspring
Paul Nolte
Scott Palmer
Jeff Pugh
Brook Reinhard
Barry Rubenstein
Randy Rubin
Megan Salsbury-Thayer
Derek Simmons
Annette Smith
Bud Smith
Paul Smith
Ron Sperry
David Terry
Bruce Tower (retired)
Diana Wales (retired)
Brian Walker
Quotable Endorsements
“She's seen it all, and done it all, with distinction.”
Hon. David V. Brewer, Oregon Supreme Court
“In her re[resentation of the state, criminal defendants and children, she demonstrated compassion, decisiveness, open-mindedness, sensitivity, courtesy, patience and impartiality. It is with pleasure that I welcome Judge Ann Marie Simmons to the Douglas County Circuit Bench”
Hon. Joan Seitz, Douglas County Circuit Court, retired
People who make the
world go
Brannick Adams
Emily Adams
Robert Adams
Mark Agsten
Murray Alexander
Shannon Alexander
Robert Allen
Kacy Altherr
Gerald Anderson
Bill Arsenault
Doug Baily
Larry Bahr
Cynthia Baldwin
Michael S. Bauden
Greg Bastian
Tim Beaty
Cecelia Bell
John Bell
Connie Benham
Jim Bergeron
Jim Berggreen Sr.
Hugh M. Bergstrand
Kris Besson
Gwen Best
Lynette Biethan
Robert Boak
Linda Bogan
Tim Bogan
Jennifer Boswell
Sandy Bratton
Wayne Bratton
Tawnya Brady
Thomas Burt
Jeff Byers
Ron Byers
Bettina Calvert
Alex Campbell
Cheryl Caplan
Jim Caplan
Robert Carson
Robert Chaides
Kristen Champion
Ken W. Clark
Wendy M. Clark
Richard Conn
Gary Crowe
Mick Crowe
Bob Cotterell
Darlene Coutts
James Coutts
Ron Culbertson
Kimberly David
Milo Davidson
Katy Davol
Pat Davol
Carol Devasier
Julie Devey
Michelle Dill
Steve Dill
Janice Dixon
Kyle Dixon
Marie Dixon
Kendrae Doolittle
Kimberli Dubie
Thea Duncan
John Dunn
Linda Dwight
Mike Eakin
Rick Embertson
Carol Embertson
John G. Erickson
Robet Erickson
Eric Felgentrager
Dick Filley
Steve Fox
Dawn Furtado
Matthew Garrett
Patsy Gee
Jake Gibbs
Jenny Gibbs
Marc Girardet
Sandra Goodson
Gary Gray
Gerald Green
William E. Griffin
Cary Griffith
Diana Hadley
Barbara Hagedorn
Debbie Hall
Michelle Harding-Olson
Sharon Harrison (Winston Mayor)
Jason Harmon
Retta Harvey
Scott Harvey
Scott Hendy (Roseburg male First Citizen 2013)
Fred Helwig II
Dan Hern
Sanna Hern (Roseburg female First Citizen 2013)
Mark Hess
Henry Hoffman
Rick Holland
Uma Honscheid
Jan Hopkins
Harvey Hosker
Sherri Hu
David Huckins
Doug John
Esther Johnson
Susie Johnston-Forte
Sam Jones
Jerry Jordan
Rochelle Kennedy
Trever Kinney
Satania Korpi
Robert Korpi
Meredity Krugel
Woodrow A. Krugel
Donna Ladd
Dan Lambert
Joe Laurance
Nick Lehrbach
Patricia L. Leidle
Michael S. Lenihan
Kelly Leonard
Blaine Lizotte
Laura L. Lusa
Wayne Jerwasan
Tim Lewis
Charlotte Long
Cindy Long
Betty L. Mack
Lew Marks
Barbara Malland
David Mathweg
Lynn Mathweg
Janice Mattos
Anne Maxwell
Rick McArthur
Shawn McClendon
Chris McCullough
Lisa McCullough
Elsie I. McCurdy
David McGinnis
Larry McKinney
Pat Meulhoff
Christy Melvin
Nikki Messenger
Bill Miller
Elin Miller
Dick Mitchell
Roger Morey
Justin Morris
Judith Morton
Fran Mueller
Vicki Murray
Doug Naylor
Norman B. Neal
Dale Nelson
Jeff Nelson
Joseph Olson
Nikki Opp
Mike Pacini
John H. Pardon
Joyce M. Pardon
Brian Pargeter
Chris Pearson
Shanna Pelke
Lori Peters
Mary Lee Potter
Betty Powell
James W. Pratt
Jaqueline B. Pratt
Brian Prawitz
Korrina Quimby
Alanson Randol
Nicole Randol
Jim Ratzlaff
Ron Raymond
Kathleen Reagles
Joseph G. Reed
Scott Reid
Karen Rieger
John M. Robertson
Barry Robinson
Russell Robison
Sue Ann Rodgers Baker
Dale Rogers
James Root
Jerry Root
Annette Rummel
Shaun Ryan
Carl Schreiner
Mia Schreiner
Linda Schroeder
Jeff Scott
Brad Seely
Dan Silver
Mora Silver
Denise Simmons
Dolores Simmons
Michael Simmons
Tom Singer
Betty Smith
Scott Stanley
Marli Stauffacher
Lynn Sterchi
Kim Stinson
Dotty Stapleton
Jim Stapleton
Lynn Sterchi
Amy Stevenson
Holly Stout
Taryn Stribling
Kathy Stutzman
Michelle Sumner
Sue Sutherland
Erika Sykes
Joe Terror
Rachel Thompson
Knut Torvik
Michele Torvik
Bryan Trenkle
Kellie Trenkle
Shirley Triber
Yvette True
Holly Turnidge
Stan Turnidge
Paul Utz
Lory Utz
James Valestin
Keith Van Atta
Kent Wallace
Jill Waltenspiel
Donna Watkins
Rick Watkins
Mike Watters
Ron West
Karen White
Colleen Wilhite
Kari Wilhite
Roger P. Wilhite
Wesley Wilhite
Sarah Wilson
Lyle M. Wingler
Troy Windsor
Sharece Winslow
Woody Woodrick (Mississippi connection)
Dick Wooton
Margaret Wooton
Mike Wooton
Aaron Yates
June Zehe